Lilama 69-1: Successfully installing and assembling the main beam system of Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant

22/05/2013 10:01

On 07/05/2013, Lilama 69-1 JSC (Lilama)  has successfully manufactured the main beam weighed 19.54 tons in the load bearing beam system of Boiler 1A, Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant at the height of 65.55m.


     Lilama 69-1 has been assigned by Lilama Corporation to perform and install Boiler 1A. The Company has mobilzed all their resources, having determination to fulfil the duty safely, with high quality and in accordance with the schedule of this item.

     The successful installation of main beam weighed 19.54 tons in load bearing beam system at the height of 65.55m in safety and good quality, together with the installation and fulfilment of the whole main beam of boiler roof have made an important milestone of schedule, approaching to finish the entire 4th floor steel structures of boiler in the end of May, 2013 so as to start the installation of boiler drum in June 21st and then the installation of pressured equipment of boiler.

    After nearly 4 months of performance, with 250 labourers, the Sao Mai Installation Enterprise (of Lilama 69-1) has installed all steel structures of 1st floor: 1161/1200 tons, reaching 99.06%; 2nd floor: 830/871 tons, reaching 98.82%; 3rd floor: 1094/1162 tons, reaching 97.62% and 4th floor: 835/1025 tons, reaching 81.46%.

    Source: Lilama 69-1