Lilama 69-1: Successfully installing the particle production tower - Amon Nitrat production plant project in Thai Binh

05/12/2013 09:34

On 3/12, Lilama 69-1 (member of LILAMA Corporation) has successfully installed module 1 - the last work of the particle production tower, one of the main important equipment for Amon Nitrat production plant in Thai Binh.

     The particle production tower has 3 modules and hoppers, and previously, Module 2 (weighed 92 tons) and module 3 (68 tons) had been installed in turn by Lilama 69-1 into their positions. At 6:30 a.m Module 1 of the tower was also installed with 02 cranes; the first crane weighed 550 tons was used to lift the equipment and the other weighed 220 tons was used to transport the workers onto the top of tower for the installation. Module 1 weighs 51 tons, lighter than module 2 of 92 tons. However, there was a difficulty that its centre of gravity was not balanced.

Module 1 - the last work of the particle production tower is being lifted onto the installation place

     According to Mr Quan Đuc Khai, chief of the installation team No.4 (lilama 69-1), there were two difficulties in installing module 1. Firstly, this was a super-length and super-weight equipment, and it would be installed at the height of over 50m. Secondly, its centre of gravity was not balanced and this was the biggest difficulty. That was why before installing the equipment, they had to calculate carefully the centre of gravity of the equipment and the reasonable span of crane. The work was done on the top of the tower with narrow area. However, with long-term experience and high determination of the collective of engineers and workers of team 4, up to 18:00 module 1 has been installed into its position safely and exactly.

     After finishing the particle production tower, Lilama 69-1 will carry on to install pipelines serving the tower and other auxiliary equipment in the tower.

Viet Cuong