Successfully installing generator of machine unit 1A for Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant

10/12/2013 10:46

On 03/12, Contractor Lilama has conducted to install successfully the generator of machine unit 1A for Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant in Quang Ninh province.

     The installation of generator of machine unit 1A (this equipment weighed approximately 260 tons at the height of 14.8m) was performed by Lilama 69-1 JSC (member of Lilama Corporation). At 7:00 a.m on 3/12 the work was started; it was so difficult to perform this because of the narrow area and finally the work was implemented in the turbine house and no cranes were mobilized for lifting. Lilama 69-1 had to use a specialized vehicle to move the equipment into the lifting hold. After that, they use a system with 4 hydraulic jacks (each one weighed 100 tons) to lift the equipment onto the height of 14.8m and put it into the installation place. Until 23:30 on 4/12 the generator was put into its position safely and exactly. The successful installation of this equipment marked an important step to strive for the fulfilment of installing and testing pressure for boiler 1A and its burning.

     Up to now, Contractor Lilama has performed:the installation of equipment for turbine – generator: 1,238.5 / 7,160 tons (17.3%), boiler and static-electric dust refinery system 1A&1B: 13,968 / 32,256 tons (43.3%),
boiler and static-electric dust refinery system 2A&2B: 5,337 / 28,850 tons (18.5%); the installation of equipment for water treatment area and tank system: 2,305 / 3,894 tons (59.2%), coal transport system: 486.21/ 10,346 tons (4.7%); the installation of floating pipeline system, firefighting pipelines and painting work: 38,675 / 163,186 ID (23.7%) and the underground pipeline system: 74,069 / 423,256 ID (17.5%).

Viet Cuong-Duy Tinh