Machine unit 1 of Lai Chau hydro power plant has been merged into the national grid

16/12/2015 14:15

At 20:20 of December 14th 2015, machine unit 1 (capacity of 400MW) of Lai Chau hydro power plant has been merged successfully into the national grid. This resulted from the creative labour spirit of the collective of Lilama 10 staffs and other performance forces, and it is also a Spring gift to present to the Communist Party.

     Lai Chau hydro power plant, a main important project of the country was commenced for construction on 05/01/2011 at Nam Hang commune, Muong Te district, Lai Chau province. It consists of 3 machine units with total installation capacity of 1,200 MW (3×400), and each year the plant will supply the national grid with more than 4.67 billion kWh. The Owner of the project is Electricity of Vietnam and Lilama 10 (member of Lilama Corporation) is the Contractor responsible for manufacture, installation, test & adjustment and then putting the plant into operation.

Lai Chau hydro power plant (3x400MW) will be finished within 2016

     This is not only an important hydro power project to help raise the national electrical productivity but also speed up the process of industrialization and improvement of living standards for people in the two provinces Lai Chau & Dien Bien, ensuring the security and national defence in the Northwest area.

     After nearly 5 years of performance, with high efforts of the Owner (EVN), the project management unit, consultation unit and contractor Lilama10, up to now machine unit 1 has been officially merged into the national grid in success, satisfying all technical requirements.

      Lilama project management board said that they had faced many hardships during experiment, ajustment and synchronous testing for equipment of machine unit 1, however, with drastic guidance of the board, concentration & effort of Lilama 10, it was merged successfully into the national electrical grid, satisfying the Owner's requirement. The next work of Lilama is confident running, then handing over & warranty of equipment.

     The first mergence of machine unit 1 of Lai Chau hydro power plant into the national grid at this time is very important, it is a schedule milestone to ensure putting the whole plant into use within 2016, a year ahead of the approved schedule.

Viet Cuong