In 2015, all enterprizes of Construction Ministry will be equitized
According to Ministry of Construction, the equitization of all enterprizes belonging to it will be finished within this year 2015.
Lilama Corporation will conduct the equitization in Quarter I/2015
Mr Dang Van Long, Head of Enterprizes Management Department of Construction Ministry said that the Ministry was managing 9 corporations and 10 companies who are 100% state-owned businesses. The 9 parent companies/corporations include: Construction Material Corp. No.1 (FiCO), Construction Corp. No.1 (CC1), LILAMA Corp. (LILAMA), Construction Mechanical Corp. (COMA), Song Da Corp., Vietnam Cement Industrial Corp. (VICEM), Housing and Urban Developing Investment Corp. (HUD), Vietnam Urban and Industrial Zone Developing Investment (IDICO) and Vietnam Construction Consultation (VNCC).
Mr Long said, for the time being, the Construction Ministry had finished legal procedures so as to carry out equitization steps for these above mentioned enterprizes such as: founding all equitization management boards and assistant groups, approving the equitization plans, choosing consultants to specify enterprize values, consulting to set up equitization methods, approving equitization cost estimation, etc.
In the end of year 2014, Construction Ministry submitted equitization projects for FiCO, CC1, COMA and LILAMA to Prime Minister for approvement, then they will organize to offer stocks of these corporations publicly for the first time in Quarter I of this year. This Ministry is now continuing to realize the enterprize value specification for other corporations including Song Da, VICEM, HUD, IDICO, VNCC. As planned, right after Quarter 2-2015, Construction Ministry will submit the equitization projects for Song Da Corp. and VICEM to Prime Minister.
Mr Long explained, Ministry of Construction set up a target that to the end of year 2015, it would finish the equitization for all corporations belonging to it and in 2016 there would not be no 100% state-owned bussinesses in Construction Ministry because “2015 is the last year to realize the plan of social-economic development period 2011-2015, and also the last year to implement the projects of enterprize re-organization approved by the State.”