EPC Main Contractor Lilama has signed contract of construction items for Song Hau 1 thermal power plant

06/04/2016 09:29

In the afternoon of April 5th, in Hanoi, the contract signing ceremony of performing items of construction & installation for Song Hau 1 thermal power project has taken place between Lilama Corporation (LILAMA) and Petroleum Construction & Installation Corporation (PVC). 

Commercial & Industrial Minister Vu Huy Hoang made a guidance speech at the ceremony

    People attending the ceremony were Mr Vu Huy Hoang, Head of Commercial & Industrial Ministry; Mr Dang Huy Cuong, Chief of General Energy Bureau. People from Petroleum of Vietnam (PVN) were Mr Nguyen Quoc Khánh, PVN Chairman of Member Board; Mr Nguyen Vu Truong Son, PVN General Director together with others of the Member Board, General Director Board, leaders of Departments & Sections of PVN, leaders of Petroleum Construction and Installation Corp. (PVC).

     People coming from Lilama Corporation (LILAMA) were Mr Nguyen Dinh Hai - Chairman of Management Board, Mr Le Van Tuan - General Director, Mr Nguyen Van Hung - Vice General Director, Mr Nguyen Manh Dung - Vice General Director, Mr Khuat Van Thuy - Director of Song Hau 1 thermal power project board, Mr Ha Quang Luong - Chairman of Trade Union, together with other leaders of Departments & Sections.


 LILAMA General Director Le Van Tuan & PVC General Director Nguyen Anh Minh signed the contract

     After a time of active negotiation, PVN and LILAMA has chosen Petroleum Construction & Installation Corporation (PVC) as Contractor for "package of performing construction & installation items” valued more than 2,250 billion dongs (VND 2,555,445,781,034).

    According to the signed contract, PVC undertakes to perform all the construction work including: Turbine Building, Central Controlling Buiding, Foundation of Grinding Machine, Foundation of Boiler, Foundation of Fan ID + FD, Foundation of ESP, Diesel Generator Station; Foundation of Turbine + Generator; Foundation of Water Pump for Boiler; purchase work, manufacturing & installing steel structures of turbine building for machine unit 2; constructing, manufacturing & installing work relevant to Coal storehouse, cinder discharging system, sulfur deodorizing system (FGD), Coal Station, Mooring Buoy Wharf, Ash & Cinder Station, Limestone Station, Gypsum Station, Oil Port, performing foundation and parts of D3900 pipeline for cooling water system.

     Song Hau 1 thermal power plant with designed capacity of 1,200MW is one of the urgent energy projects approved by Prime Minister in Decision No. 2414/QĐ-TTg dated 11/12/2013. This is an important project belonging to the National Electricity Planning VII with the Owner is PVN and its EPC Main Contractor is LILAMA. Being officially commenced since May 2015, up to now, the plant has been accomplished a half and it is now waiting for machine installation.

Mr Le Van Tuan - Lilama General Director

     Speeking at the ceremony, Mr Le Van Tuan - LILAMA General Director expressed sincere thanks to the Government, Ministries, Departments and Branches's support, and the Owner over the past time. He believed that with long-term experience, PVC would try their best to realize all obligations undertaken in the contract of “performing construction & installation items” as per defined schedule, quality, technique, satisfying the expectations of Main Contractor & Owner, contributing to finish the Song Hau 1 thermal power plant in accordance with its proposed schedule.

Lilama Propaganda Section