Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant: Boiler 2A pressure will be tested in the end of June

23/06/2014 09:47

According to the news bulletin from Lilama 45-1 Project Board at site of Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant, they will carry on testing pressure for 2A on June 30th.

Installing system equipment for Boiler 2A

     Lilama 45-1 JSC (member of LILAMA Corporation) undertook the bid of installing 12,105 tons of equipment for Boiler 2A valued 180 billion dongs. The work has been started since March 2013, up to now, they have finished installing 90% of steel structure for boiler and auxiliary equipment outside boiler, 30% of equipment for Generator Turbine, 40% of piping DI (inside and outside boiler) and finished 604 tons of Condenser equipment for the plant. As anticipated they will finished installing Turbine in November 2014.

     Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant invested by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has been being built in Mong Duong ward, Cam Pha town, Quang Ninh province. The plant has its installed capacity of 1,080MW. As planned, machine unit 1 will be finished, put into operation after 40 months (Quarter I/2015) and machine unit 2 will be put into use after 46 months (Quarter III/2015).

                                                                        News, photo: Viet Binh, Van Huynh