Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant: first burning of Boiler 1A

10/09/2014 11:50

Recently, Mong Duong 1 thermal power project has officially burned in Boiler 1A with oil fuel after 18 months of performing installation work by Lilama Corporation. This was an important milestone in the process of constructing and installing the plant.

Lilama calibrated the support for power generator of the plant

     To achieve the above important schedule milestone, Lilama have tried their best to finish installing steel structures (18/1/2013); installing steam drum for Boiler 1A (22/06/2013), especially testing pressure successfully for Boiler 1A (24/02/2014). After the pressure test, Lilama has quickly conducted the kiln bricklaying work, pouring concrete, insulating therm for the whole kiln and the technological piping system; installing the low voltage system and auxiliaries such as drain, vent, ventilating piping system, fan system, burning spout, oil pump station... to handover to Main Contractor Hyundai.

     After burning successfully in Boiler 1A, the contractors will continue to deploy performing other important items, fulfilling and calibrating systems, ensuring the steam quality for blowing up the entire public piping system, then operating turbine, generator so as to put the machine unit into use, merging synchronously with the national grid by mid December 2014.

     The Mong Duong 1 thermal power plant has been invested by Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and it is being built in Mong Duong ward, Cam Pha town, Quang Ninh province. The plant has its total installation capacity of 1,080MW. As planned, machine unit 1 will be finished and put into operation in Quarter I/2015 and machine unit 2 will be put into use in Quarter III/2015.

Duy Tinh, VA