Vung Ang I Thermal power plant: having finished 95-99% of work volume in every item

08/03/2013 11:42

On March 8th, Labor Hero Le Van Tuan, LILAMA General Director visited and checked the performance work at site of Vung Ang I Thermal Power plant (Ha Tinh province) and attended a meeting with the Owner and Contractors participating in the Project.



Mr Do Van Hau, Le Van Tuan visited, checked and encouraged engineers, technicians and other labors who are now working at site of Vung Ang I

     According to a report from Vung Ang I Power Project Board (LILAMA) who is performing the EPC Package of the Project, up to 06/03/2013, LILAMA has finished 88.28% of work volume of the whole project, 99.05% of designing work in all item, the procurement and transport work has reached 97.68%, the construction and installation work has been finished at 89.95%, and especially the test running work has reached 5.5%.

     In the last month particularlly, in designing work, LILAMA Contractors continued issuing FC drawings for construction, mechanics and electricity work. They dealt with interfaces among packages, continued updating and finishing the designing work for roads, water drainage system and total design of coal residue yard. At the moment, there are still some items that LILAMA is deploying such as the cooling water gate which is in good condition for performance and the coal residue yard whose detailed design is being deployed. In procurement and transport work, 121.035/123.000 tons of equipment have been handed over (reaching 98.40% of the work). Up to now, LILAMA has finished the water drainage systems along the 1st and 2nd coal storage house, around the 220KV transformer station, around the water handling area and around the oil area; implementd the road between allocation yard and transformer, the road to turbine house, the road in K-E axis in Machine Unit 1, the road between FD Fan & ESP in Machine Unit 1, the H road in CCB House area, the road between FD Fan & FGD in Machine Unit 1, the road along FGD Tank being performed; roofed and covered Turbine 2 House and installed steel structures for Bunker 2 House, etc.

     Next month, LILAMA is continuing to urge contractors to issue FC drawings. In design: continuing to urge to issue FC drawings; designing in details the water drainage pipeline in front of the Cooling Water Pump House: LLM/HEC are now considering the amendments according to PVN’s opinion submitted on 28/03/2013; issuing the design of supplementary fences. In coal residue yard designing: LLM/IE will summit the based design on 25/2; update the overall plant drawing and submit it to Owner for approvement within 3/2013. In procurement and transport: handing over all lack necessary materials in March 2013 such as: BOP Turbine, cable conduit ladder and accessories, HVAC & fire alarming systems for Buildings and Houses, insulation materials, NH3, CO2, ESP, FGD, ASH Handling, etc., mainly for Machine Unit 2. In construction and installation: finishing and handing over the CCB House, Clo House, Managing House/Building, Turbines Control House, Chemical quantitative analysis House, Sample Taking House, Cautic Acid House, wet and dry ash silos of the residue eliminating system, compressed air house, emergency transformer house, coal mixing control house, residue pump station; continuing to perform the water gate, finish the C sewage channel, outfall, finishing coal receiving port, shelter door, pump station, canteen house, installing covers, sealing-up to protect Turbine Houses from spilling water and performing emergency spilling oil storage tank in the Turbine 1 area.

     At the meeting between Owner and Contractors, LILAMA leaders petitioned Owner to enable them to speed up the performance schedule. Particularly, the ground clearance should be done as soon as possible, the large items such as residue eliminating yard and line need at least 18 months to be performed, raw water source which meets the demands of flow and pressure should be supplied so as to replace the current one which is being used for test running to operate the water handling system, etc.. LILAMA proposed PVN to consider advanced payments for contractors in removing items in the ground where the residue eliminating yard is implemented. LILAMA also proposed to raise the quality of services suppplied such as electricity, water and others arised during the the performance of the plant.

     Also at the meeting, Mr Do Van Hau, PVN General Director agreed with LILAMA’s proposals and required the concerning parties to enable the contractors to speed up the performance schedule so as to ensure that the boiler of Machine Unit 1 will be burned in the end of this year. Mr Do Van Hau, Le Van Tuan visited, checked and encouraged engineers, technicians and other labors who are now working at site of Vung Ang I Thermal Power Plant.


News, Photo: Huu Giang - Viet Cuong