Lilama merged succeffully the last machine unit of Hua Na hydro power plant into the National Grid

28/03/2013 08:22

As reported from Hua Na hydro power plant Project Board of LILAMA, at 21:00 on March, 27th 2013 the second machine unit with capacity of 90MW (the last one) of Hua Na hydro power plant was merged by LILAMA into the National Grid successfully, in witness of leaders from the Owner (HHC), Consultants, Supervisors and all LILAMA's engineers & workers who are working at site.

     The Hua Na hydro power project consisting of 2 machine units and having capacity of 180 MW has been built in Đong Van, Que Phong, Nghe An province; its Owner is Petro Corporation of Vietnam (PVN); LILAMA is the EPC Contractor designing, supplying, transporting, installing equipment, testing, adjusting and at last, putting the project into operation.

     The Lilama Project Board said that they had many difficulties during the phase of testing and adjusting, synchronic test running of equipment of machine unit 2 to serve the mergence into the National Grid; and this time was also the Tet holiday, the Chinese experts arrived in Vietnam late (due to their long holiday). However, with decisive guides of Lilama Project Board and with the best concentration and efforts of the main performing unit - Lilama 7 (LILAMA subsidiary company), machine unit 2 was merged successfully into the National Grid, satisfying requirements of the Owner (HHC). Lilama's next work is the trusting opertion within 30 days, handing-over to the Owner, last payment and guarantee for equiment.

     Up to now, the first machine unit (90 MW) of Hua Na hydro power project, after 55 days of operation has merged into the National Grid with 26 million kwh. Thus, after 5 years of construction, with the best efforts of the Owner, project managing organization, consultants and contractor (Lilama), now, Hua Na hydro power project has been finished, contributing to enhance the national electrical productivity, speeding up to industrialize the country and upgrading the Nghe An people's living standards particularly, and all over Vietnam generally.

Viet Cuong