Successful electricity generating of machine unit 1 in Vung Ang 1 thermal power plant

27/12/2013 19:01

At 18:36 today 27/12/2013, machine unit 1 of Vung Ang 1 thermal power plant has officially generated electricity into the National Grid in witness of representative from the Owner PVN, EPC Main Contractor Lilama and other sub-contractors participating in the project performance.

The Central Control Room of the Plant

     This important event successfully ends the phase of installation and commission to switch to the adjusting work and optimizing systems so as to assure the on time electricity generation of the plant. With capacity of 600 MW, this is a thermal power project having the biggest machine unit capcity in Vietnam for the time being to merge electricity successfully into the National Grid. This is also the result of self-sacrificing and creative labor months of the collective of engineers and workers of EPC Contractor Lilama in this difficult and complicated project.

The Plant capacity reached 25 MW at the time of National Grid mergence

     Previously, the plant has finished the work of boiler blowing-off on 2/12, by-pass running for steam to meet requirment and first coal burning. On 24/12 the first flows of steam were driven into turbine and successfully tested at 700 rounds per minute; then were gradually raised to the optimal level of 3000 rounds/minute. The specifications of vibration, temperature and others also satisfied the designed requirements to allow generating electricity.

     The Vung Ang 1 thermal power plant with capacity of 1,200 MW (2 x 600) was started to be built in 2009. As anticipated, machine unit 1 will be put into operation in June 2014 and machine unit 2 will be put in to use in December 2014, contributing approximately 8 billion kwh of electricity to the National Grid annually.

Duy Tinh - Huu Giang - Viet Cuong