Lilama 69 - 1: Construction and installation make up a large percentage in turnover structure

07/08/2014 08:55

As reported by Lilama 69-1 JSC, in the first half of this year, its production value has risen considerably. The field of construction and installation makes up a large percentage in its turnover structure (86%). In addition to the traditional machinery installation, investment in facilities and machines in order to enhance the capability of manufacturing equipment, steel structures for projects as well as participating in the maintenance of factories have been paid much attention by the company.

Installing equipment for thermal power project

     For the purpose of turnover raise from 10 to 15% in comparison with year 2013, since the early days of 2014, the Lilama 69-1 JSC's leader board have stepped up deploying execution of company projects; searching and signing contracts of construction & installation, contracts of manufacture & maintenance for factories; launching emulation in productivity enhancement; encouraging and paying much attention to labourers' life. Thus, the company has become one of the leading members achieving high production value of LILAMA Corporation.

     In the first half of year 2014, the company yield has reached 456 billion dongs, turnover has achieved 425 billion dongs (equivalent to 59.8% of the 2014 plan), paying 18.66 billion dongs to state budget and the average income is 7.6 million dongs per capita monthly.

     In field of construction and installation, Lilama 69-1 is now participating in such large-scaled and important national projects as: Amoni Nitrat Thai Binh, T2 station Noi Bai, Mong Duong 1 & 2 thermal power plants, Nong Son thermal power plant, Lao Cai Sulfuric Acid and DAP2, Nghi Son oil chemical refinery project and so on... As a whole, all their projects have kept pace with defined schedules with safety and quality and also highly appreciated by Owners and their partners.

     In field of manufacture, in the first half of this year, the company's Equipment & Steel Structure Manufacturing Plant has made equipment & steel structures for Thai Binh ANP; manufactured air drying set for Sumitomo Industries, Ltd; manufactured wind piping, shells for the IHI partner (Japan); manufactured pipes, supports for Lao Cai DAP 2 and some steel structures for other projects; all the work volume is estimated approximately 1,600 tons.

Maintaining Pha Lai thermal power plant

     In addtion to the work of constructing and installing, manufacturing equipment, Lilama 69-1 JSC has stepped up the bidding marketing work, especially paid much attention to maintaining, repairing work for thermal power plants, chemical plants... That was why, the company has received new valued contracts such as: repairing and maintaining Dung Quat oil refinery plant, Nghi Son oil refinery plant, Cam Pha thermal power plant, Uong Bi thermal power plant, Lam Dong aluminum plant…

     In the future, the company will continue and expand the cooperation relations with other leading construction & installation partners in the world such as: Hitachi Plant Construction, IHI (Japanese businesses), partners in field of repairing & maintaining thermal power projects, oil refinery projects, chemical projects: JGC (Japan), HS (Singapore), Foster Wheeler (USA) etc. so as to enhance its capability in competing, extending, occupying markets of construction & installation field, repairment & maintenance field inside & outside the country and area.


Duy Tinh, Ba Luc