Lilama Mechanical & Machinery Installation JSC signs 2 contracts valued 70 billion dongs

22/09/2014 11:13

Supassing many internal and external contracts, recently, Lilama Mechanical and Machinery Installation JSC has signed 2 contracts valued 70 billion dongs with partners, ensuring jobs and incomes for its labourers and contributing to enhance its capability, stabilize its finance, and create opportunities for the development of the company in the coming time.

Manufacturing mechanical equipment in the company

    The package valued 30 billion dongs was signed between the company with Huong Hai Group Co., Ltd under which the company would be responsible for providing material, manufacturing and installing all M&E equipment and refactory material for coal grinding station and fuel supply system, kiln, transportation, storage silos for Huong Hai calcific production plant (Quang Ninh).

    The package of making methods, designing, estimating and performing the temporary project in Pha Rung manufacturing workshop (including building houses, production workshops) in preparation for Nghi Son oil chemical refinery project is worth 40 billion dongs.

     With trust of investors who are internal and external contracts, the Company believes that they will finish all their production targets, and continue to affirm Lilama trade-mark in the next projects.

Duy Tinh, CTV