Signing EPC Contract of Song Hau 1 thermal power plant

10/04/2015 16:34

This afternoon (10/4) in Hanoi, the ceremony of EPC contract signing for Song Hau 1 thermal power plant project has taken place between Lilama Corporation and Owner PVN. Vice Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai, member of the Central Party, Chief of State Guiding Board for National Electricity Development Planning and many leaders from other ministries and branches came to attend the ceremony.


The ceremony of EPC Contract Signing for Song Hau 1 thermal power plant project

     According to this signed contract, EPC Main Contractor Lilama is responsible for detailed design, procurement, manufacture, installation & test running, reliable running ... guarantee and handing over the complete plant to Owner for commercial operation within 48 months, and machine unit 2 will be put into use within 52 months.

     Also, in this important event, EPC Main Contractor Lilama has signed the contract of supplying main equipment for the project with Doosan Corporation of Korea.

Lilama has signed the contract of supplying main equipment for the project

     Vice Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai congratulated Owner, Main Contractor Lilama who had accomplished a number of important work for this signing ceremony. He said that it was an important power project and he also confirmed the capabilities of domestic contractors in fields of consultation, project management, equipment manufacture and performance of construction & installation.  

     Speeking at the ceremony, Mr Le Van Tuan - Lilama General Director committed himself to gather all resources for the installation so as to put the plant into operation on time with high quality and safety. Song Hau 1 thermal power plant is the one having the highest proportion of equipment interiorization in Vietnam up to now.

     The Song Hau 1 power plant is a coal-fired thermal power one with capacity of 1,200 MW (2x600MW) consisting of two boilers, two turbines and two generators with auxiliary systems. This plant belongs to Song Hau Electricity Centre (having 3 plants with total capacity of 5,200 MW) and it is located in Phu Huu A commune, Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province.

      This project is a main important one of the national electricity development planning period 2011-2020 (even to 2030) approved by Prime Minister and allowed to apply the special mechanism for investment in construction of urgent power projects under Decision No.2414/QĐ-TTg dated 11/12/2013. As anticipated, this plant will be finished and generate commercial electricity in 2019 with the output of 7.8 tỷ kwh per year on average.

     Lilama is an EPC main contractor having the leading capability, experience and prestige in Vietnam. The Corp. has been performing successfully many large-scaled projects with assured quality and schedule and they have been also highly appreciated by domestic and foreign owners such as Ca Mau 1, Ca Mau 2, Nhon Trach 1&2, Vung Ang 1, Mong Duong 1&2, Thai Binh 2 thermal power plants and so on.

 Duy Tinh, Duc Bao