Cooperation in all aspects between Lilama Corporation & Hanoi Construction Corporation

23/04/2015 09:22

This morning (23/4) in Hanoi, a signing ceremony of cooperation agreement in all aspects has been held between Lilama Corporation and Hanoi Construction Corporation. Construction Minister Trinh Dinh Dung came to attend the ceremony and made a guidance speech.

     The purpose of all aspect cooperation is to promote the inherent strong points of both parties, to share abilities, experience and prestige in production so as to achieve the highest economic effect. For projects approved to each party, HANCORP and Lilama will coordinate with eachother to perform, bring into play their maximum internal forces. So, for projects approved to HANCORP, Lilama will be responsible for mechanical work, manufacture, installation… and for projects of Lilama, HANCORP will perform the construction work.

     The cooperation begins with Song Hau 1 thermal power project for which Lilama is the EPC Main Contractor. Lilama will make it easy by maximizing the work volume that HANCORP can perform in this project.

     Both parties cooperate on the base of equality & mutual benefit, each party commits itself to respect the interests, prestige and trade mark of the other. They will cooperate in activities allowed by the law. All information, data exchanged between them concerning the production and cooperation of both parties will be kept secret, and not be provided to third party by each of them in any mode.

     Lilama and HANCORP will supply and use their own services, research scientific & technological applications for production and business; train manpower so as to help eachother to develop and promote the strong points of both parties. Each party will act under its own regulations and take full responsibility to the law within its cooperative scope .

     Both parties will organize yearly partial sum-up meetings to appraise the performance of cooperation agreement in order to know deeply eachother, solve hardships and make timely adjustments for enhancing the cooperative effect. The agreement duration is 5 years since the signing date. Lilama and HANCORP will be able to extend the agreement when it is no longer valid. Each party can also put an end to it based on an advanced notice of 30 days in writing to the other.
