Prime Minister issued an order of commencement to build Song Hau 1 thermal power plant

16/05/2015 15:34

This morning 16/5/2015, at Song Hau Electricity Centre (Phu Xuan hamlet, Mai Dam town, Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province), Petroleum of Vietnam (PVN) and Lilama Corporation have formally organized the commencement ceremony of construction for Song Hau 1 thermal power plant. People participating in the ceremony are Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, representative of governmental office, representatives of Central Ministries & Branches, leaders of Hau Giang province..., Mr Daejoo Jun, Korean Ambassador in Vietnam, leaders from PVN, Lilama and Doosan Corp. of Korea.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung issued an order of commencement to build the plant

     Song Hau 1 thermal power plant belongs to Song Hau Electricity Centre, it is located in Phu Xuan hamlet, Mai Dam town, Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province, and its total capacity is 1,200 MW including 2 machine units (2x600MW), the construction area is about 115 ha. Its Owner is Petroleum of Vietnam (Petrovietnam), and the Owner's representative is Song Hau 1 Petroleum Electricity project management board who is responsible for managing this project. Lilama Corporation is the EPC Main Contractor.

     It is one of the national main important project belonging to the Electricity Planning VII approved by Prime Minister and allowed to apply special policies to invest in construction of urgent power projects pursuant to Decision No. 2414/QĐ-TTg dated 11/12/2013 by Prime Minister.

     It is also one of the 3 thermal power plants of Song Hau 1 Electricity Centre with total capacity of 5,200 MW. The total investment in Song Hau 1 thermal power plant is approximately VND43,043 billion equivalent to USD2.046 billion among which 30% is Owner's capital, 70% is credit capital from ECA and other commercial loans.

     The Song Hau 1 power plant is a traditional condensation thermal power one, using coal fuel, furnace technology of burning, công nghệ lò đốt than phun, with high efficiency, readiness, stability and safety, assuring environmental stipulations due to the application of technologies of reducing pollution like dust purification, reducing NOx, disposing of SOx and waste water treatement... Annually, Song Hau 1 thermal power plant will consume about 3 million tons of coal.

Mr Le Van Tuan - Lilama General Director made a speech at the ceremony

     Song Hau 1 thermal power project has an important meaning in implementing the strategy of developing electricity field of Vietnamese petroleum branch upto the year 2030. The deployment of the project performance will create jobs for thousands of labourers in phase of construction and hundreds of workers during the phase of operation, not including attached services.

     As anticipated, when being put into use in 2019, Song Hau 1 thermal power plant will provide the national grid with about 7.8 billion kWh a year, contributing to assure the national energy security and develop the economy of Mekong River Delta generally and of Hau Giang province particularly.

     Speeking at the ceremony, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung emphasized the importance of Song Hau 1 thermal power plant project to the country. When being put into operation in 2019 it would contribute to assure the national energy security and make good the shortage of electricity in the Southern provinces. He praised the Owner to overcome hardships and seriously implement the Governmental guidances of concentrating to invest in developing electricity sources for the country.

Lilama force participating in the project performance

    Prime Minister commended Main Contractor Lilama who had participated to perform successfully many large scale thermal power plants such as Ca Mau 1&2, Nhon Trach, Vung Ang 1. He also requested Lilama to concentrate on the project performance in safety and quality so that it would be finished on time, assuring environmental requirements. He reminded the Owner to have a careful plan and enable people who had to leave their home for the project.

     Up to now, the infrastructures for the project performance have been basically accomplished including such main items as: ground clearance, mine disarming, ground levelling, electrical supply system, water supply system, river embankment; all are ready for the project performance. 

     Petroleum of Vietnam committed itself to coordinate with Main Contractor Lilama, main equipment supply contractor Doosan, project management consultant and other concerning organizations to muster their strength to assure the project schedule, finish the construction and put machine unit 1 & 2 into commercial operation within 2019 (i.e after 48 months and 52 months since the work beginning), at the same time assure the project quality, environmental requirements as well as the cost optimization.

Duy Tinh, Duc Bao